
When you make a telehealth appointment at Sozo, you can rest assured that your session will be secure, effective, and paid for by your health insurance.

What is Telehealth?

Many times, it might not be feasible for you to go for an in-person session with your preferred doctor. Telehealth is another way for Sozo to provide services to you if you cannot come into our offices for in-person appointments. The interactions between a Sozo mental health professional and you in a telehealth session are essentially the same as when done in-person; the only difference being that it is done through your computer, phone, or tablet. There are many benefits to offering telehealth for mental health, such as convenience and cost. Since the Covid pandemic began, telehealth has been a lifeline for many people dealing with the mental health issues that have been exacerbated during this time.


Is Telehealth Effective?

Studies, such as the recent Telebehavioral Health: An Effective Alternative to In-Person Care (TeleBH_B_6.pdf (, have suggested that telehealth services for mental health offers significantly the same benefit as physically coming into the office. The authors say that “studies indicate there are largely no significant differences between telehealth and in-person care for adults with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder,” and believe that “telebehavioral health [is] as effective as in-person care for common behavioral health conditions.”

What do I Need to Participate in a Telehealth Appointment?

For your appointment, you will need to have access to a private place and a computer, tablet, or smartphone with a camera plus an internet connection. Sozo offers best telehealth services for mental health and will provide you with access to a secure HIPAA compliant videoconferencing software free of charge. All you need to do is be logged in at the time of your appointment.

Is Telepsychiatry & Teletherapy Private?

Sozo has the best telehealth mental health providers and ensures the interaction between the patient and psychiatrist/therapist is completely private, secure, and HIPAA compliant. The teleconferencing software encrypts all forms of data, including video and audio thereby making your session easy and secure at the same time.

What are the Benefits of Telehealth?

Telehealth for anxiety and telehealth for depression can provide you with all the benefits of an in-person session. It’s convenience cannot be understated. Sometimes it can be difficult to take time off from your busy schedule to come to our offices. Telehealth can eliminate your commute time and it’s associated stresses. It can also be used as needed if you are sick or traveling. Telehealth allows you to keep your appointment and not experience any interruption in your treatment plan.

What Mental Health Conditions Can Telehealth Treat?

Mental health issues have been rising in the recent times and many patients are in the lookout for telehealth mental health providers. Telehealth for mental health can be utilized in the treatment of a wide variety of mental health conditions such as:

Can I Get My Prescriptions Through Telehealth Appointments?

One of the main questions coming to the patients mind while opting for telehealth mental health providers would be whether they can get their prescriptions. Prescribers such as a telehealth psychiatrist and a nurse practitioner can prescribe appropriate medicines for your treatment plan, through telehealth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Major depressive disorder is a condition which lasts two or more weeks and interferes with a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks and enjoyed activities that previously brought pleasure. This condition affects approximately 16 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older.1

The exact cause of depression is not known, but leading research in Neuroscience points to an imbalance in the brain’s neurotransmitters as the manifestation of depression. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that send signals between brain cells. A person’s genetic make-up and life history may also determine a person’s tendency to become depressed.

In 2016 a study conducted by the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality reported that major depressive disorder will affect approximately 16 million American adults (about 6.7% of the US population) in a given year. 1

Yes. The National Institute of Mental Health maintains that, “Depressive illness can often interfere with normal functioning and cause pain and suffering not only to those who have the disorder, but to those who care about them. Serious depression can destroy family life as well as the life of the ill person.” A national study of depression found that nearly all the respondents who reported a major depressive disorder also reported that their social and/or work lives were negatively affected by their illness.1 In 2010, the economic burden of depression was estimated at $210 billion in the US2 and depression was the second leading cause of disability, accounting for almost 20% of all years of life lost to disability and premature death.3 Depression can also be a lethal disease. Each year in the US, over 30,000 people die by suicide, 60% of whom suffer from depression.4, 5

There is no known cure for depression but with effective clinical depression psychotherapy, many patients can remain symptom free. Approaching an efficient depression treatment center like Sozo Centers is the right step towards your mental health treatment.

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